Keeping fit and healthy with Bec Louise Chambers


We caught up with coach and health fitness writer Bec Chambers to chat about all things health, fitness and body confidence.



I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was four years old, and I started blogging in 2013, which naturally progressed to Instagram. My writing has always focused on women and their bodies, minds and fitness.

Fitness has been a major part of my life from a young age, but at about 17 I went down an extreme dieting road that led to binge/purge eating habits and anorexia. The gym became an outlet for me and a place where I could feel some sense of control amidst deep body image issues. Now, I love lifting weights and feeling strong and this year I competed in my first powerlifting competition.

I also coach 25 women. It’s the most satisfying thing to help women to get stronger and feel better and more confident. This is also what my Instagram is all about.


There’s a lot of misleading information on the Internet. I would look at many beautiful, seemingly flawless women on social media and wonder why they didn’t talk about their relationships with themselves and with food or the bad days. We all face issues surrounding body image, our sense of self, confidence and feeling inadequate, and one day I decided to talk about it. My honesty was well received, with people around the world telling me I had made them feel less alone. Connection and honesty are my two highest values and I get to satisfy them every day.


You need to remind yourself that you’re looking at a highlight reel. The gorgeous chick you’re double tapping on the ’gram likely faces her own worries and issues. Life isn’t always rosy, and many photos are taken by a photographer on a beach, involving sand in hair and eyes, and Photoshop.

Every crease, freckle, fold, line, wrinkle, curve and dimple is all yours and all beautiful – that’s your power.


If we could accept that we are enough in every way, it would be a different world. It’s not about resting your laurels or never working hard because you’re already good enough, but about accepting yourself, including your imperfections.


I lift weights, eat well and spend time outside as much as I can. I feel the best when I’m strong, cardiovascularly fit and flexible, so my training doesn’t focus on just squatting, deadlifting and benching like a typical powerlifting split. I like to run, jump, spin, handstand and make sure I’m strong unilaterally too.



Every day is different, depending on how organised I am that week. I try to advocate against comparing your day on a plate to anybody else’s – there’s no magic combination of foods that is going to result in health and happiness.

I track macros and use flexible dieting principles. I think the best daily diet you can stick to is one that allows spontaneity and sustainability. If you’re restricted to 1000 calories and two food groups, I can’t see long-term success.


